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/soicuck/ - Offsite Discussion about Soycucks

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>Keep in mind ribbitrally members larp as soytan on /soy/ and make soytan porn



what is it with soicucks and projecting their pedophilia and porn addiction onto us

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get in, i just btfo'd this kike and i got the swinny to unfilter trump

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how come almost every soicuck admin/janny with known ethnicity isn't white?
>doll is a churka
>max and froot are kikes
>angeleno and satoko are spics
>root and gemersonlakevandpalmer are pajeets
>j0el, sobot, red and lolkek are sandniggers
>ronald is a chink
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Anything about him?


No but from what I heard he's actually of British descent


British are philosemitic. No wonder why sharty was doomed from the start.


Either that or maybe he's just a regular kike


Kuz is also mongolic/churka

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Even though they have no evidence of such?
And there’s a lot more evidence of soyposters being pedos themselves

https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/8904541.html The thread in question


>showing a hairy man's asshole to cacas under 16 is le funny
Why are they like this?

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Soyjaks have so bad they turned everyone into a drama queen.
I wish I could change the history, but there will always be bad outcomes.


which exact post it is though


the very first post that kickstarted it all:

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Is it possible to redeem or ally ourselves with the nusoicacas? Is there any hope left for these nusoicacas? Lord help these nusoicacas.




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Nusoicacas are beyond saving.


Through trump, anything is possible


If you saw what soikikes are recently up to, you would never try to save these soikeks

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Do nusoicacas really?


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that's B_B_GHAST, a SoyBooru namefag that constantly gets horny for soytan. we hate him btw. he is pictured in the attached image


said that you jack off to furry porn in the soyja irc

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hr got quoted and bullied for saying that btw


no you didn't every single one of you are the same


Retard on retard violence


likely taken out of context

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just hacked the soikike IRC and gave my self OP on #blox and kicked everyone, join the #blox channel for comfy discussion


you will be blessed by trump for your service. Keep doing good work patriot


Try lurking around this soykike’s IRC, maybe you can find something interesting


Kek, its kino!


i prefer adium as my irc client personally

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