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/soicuck/ - Offsite Discussion about Soycucks

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>soycucks unironically drank their own cum

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Reminder nusoishitskinbabies don’t care that their culture has been destroyed by offsiters


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Soyjaks have been normalfagcore for years now so it ain't that surprising, I remember seeing /qa/shit all over xitter 3 years ago


I remember a few months after /qa/ was closed, all those xitter retards were spamming those say the line, (x)jak tweets
Those tweets aged like shit kek

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>o algo
why is this used by the unfunniest of soicacas ever?

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>tfw you hear the farty is about to get fedded for the destruction of industrial society


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this is not looking good soycuckas, i thought you were better than this. yikes



>tfw soicacas are actually killing water pipes
soiglombas this isn't even funny anymore

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it's not even funny anymore


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>theyre really drawing woahjack loli hentai

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>Some of the troonjak.discordy's doxing has been super cringeworthy lately. That's how you know the site got taken over by Foodists and right-wing Twitter immigrants




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why is there some unfunny namefag attempting to get e-famous by pretending to be the next lee goldson?

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Remember when soyposters used to be keyed?


båsed frogchads raided /lgbt/ while falseflagging as soitrannies so that rapeape would have an excuse to delete /qa/ and create /qa2/


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those were real soypoopas. they were all replaced by underage jewish children.

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In my free time, I post Soytan on the 'tardy because she makes soicucks pants-shittingly mad


You mad man

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Why does that board have 80 million posts


mostly SEAniggers and schizos with weird obsessions with the vtumors they watch on a daily

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