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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

Trump Won.
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admin respond to my email please

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we'll be making koth_frogvest here a is a screenshot of what i'm brewing
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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This project looks promising, I'll be looking forward to it.


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MODS BAN THE CP IN >>>/pepe/


ok another update the guy that made this map is the kikiest nigger EVER
The entire map is filled with triggers and other shit nobody cares about that makes it EXTREMELY difficult to retexture. I hope the guy that made this rots in hell


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This is why we have /qa2/ free of kikes, Bidenbots, soishitters, weabs, kikespammers, and other undesirables to begin with. Could you imagine your home land being bombarded with this garbage? Probably not. It's why it uses Trumpflare in the first place.


Frogbros won

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Crushing liberal kike skulls, one frog post at a time.

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kill yourselves cp-spamming weabs

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Frog saturday

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Buy Trump mushrooms to cure your cancer.

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my homeland is BACK
ready to ATTACK
nusoicackas FAT
he should really do some LATs
will he ever know
his mother's a hoe
I think we need to go
back to stereo


good rap

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