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Trump Won.
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Canada is waking up.

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Assigned keyed at birth

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demonrats aren't sending their best


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How many non-white skinned people did Adolf Hitler kill? Either directly or indirectly. I'm curious. Supposedly the man represents white supremacy and genocide of non-whites. So show me the data.


hitler doesnt represent white supremacy, he represents white nationalism, well, he represents all forms of ethno nationalism


the holocaust is a sham so who knows. if you need any holocaust redpills just hit me up

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Praise be Christ.

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thanks for reminding me to renew my platinum patriot pass


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Based Department just called.


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Ladies and gentlemen, once you notice the truth you never can forget it.


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Rockwell was so right on this

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remember the weab who livestreamed himself trying to shoot up a White church while pretending it was a synagogue? he couldn't even get inside kek

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Checked and based.


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Now let this be a lesson not to stain our honor and motives to restore America to its fullest glory through the means of sticking together and sharing our ideal plans to enact such.
Kike shills always felt betrayed by the white man's glamoury, hence why they've been trying to push their degeneracy anywhere they go (e.g. tranime) and subvert the population of this country by convincing everyone that Trump is a "jew rat" (no proof).

They've always been trying to infiltrate the patriot's club because they're afraid that we're trying to preserve the future for the whole nation, and dominating the entire internet culture, so they try to shit it up with no luck. Only to get eviscerated immediately. They haven't made any progress since and now they're kvetching HARD like clockwork. Sad!
Not my problem! Let them cry and kvetch until the day of reckoning comes for each one of them, and it'll be so glorious to witness such.


another projecting kike down


>frogposters praising jannies even doe jannies are a frogposters enemy

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One time on /pol/, I told an aggressive libkike to calm his tits and he seethed so hard that he actually started spamming Nikocados OnlyFans!


Are you sure that wasn't on soigloopa.faggot?


It's 4chan so I guess it's expected behavior.


weird how so many shills constantly post new never-seen-before photos from his paid onlyfans. It's almost as if all kikespam is coordinated

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